Is Renting Email Lists Right For Your Real Estate Marketing?
There are a lot of companies out there who will rent email lists for you. They do this because they either have very little money to spend on advertising, or they are in the business of selling contact support to other companies. In either case, renting the lists they have is a great way to get a cheap source of mailing lists for very little money.
Email is so quickly becoming the fastest and easiest way to sell products and services. Companies want to be able to quickly advertise their products and get the word out about their business. One way they do that is by using the internet and lists of addresses. By renting these lists, they can instantly start communicating with their customers.
When looking into a company who rents these lists for email marketing purposes, look for one that has been around for a while and has a good reputation. You should also check out the company's track record to see how successful they have been at renting the mailing list. A great way to do this is to go to the Better Business Bureau and search for customer reviews of any email marketing company you're thinking of working with. There are a lot of negative reviews out there, but a few positive ones will be more than enough to make you comfortable about the email marketing company in question. With a little bit of research, you should be able to weed out the bad companies and find the great companies who are just renting the right mailing lists for your email marketing needs.
If you already know which companies you are interested in working with, you should then ask each one if they will rent their mailing lists from them. This will help you to get the best deal possible and ensure that you're not paying more than what you have to for the mailing lists. It is always a good idea to ask if they will include a copy of the sales agreement or Terms Of Use in the email. By doing this, you will have an understanding of exactly what you are agreeing to when you rent the lists from them. You may also find that you can get a discount when it comes to the price of the marketing lists. All of these things can help you to make a great decision.
One more reason to rent from an email list rental company is because you will get the customer service that you would typically get from a brick-and-mortar business. The person who answers the phone and packs your shipment will be someone that you would be happy to work with. If you have any problems along the way, you will have someone available to help you.
Email marketing lists can be useful to have, but you have to be careful about who you give them to. Don't give personal information out over the phone or through the internet. Doing so could put you in a bad situation if you accidentally gave out your credit card numbers or home addresses. These addresses and credit cards are only meant for sales purposes. It is best to only rent email lists for your own use.
However, many people do rent these lists for their own use and they include names and email addresses of real estate agents, lawyers and other professionals. If you are going to rent email lists it is important to check to see if the addresses are current or not. If they are outdated, then you run the risk of your marketing campaign becoming ineffective.
Most marketing lists, whether they be real estate emails for other reasons should always be kept up to date. There is nothing worse than getting an email address that no longer exists. That could lead to legal troubles for you, so you want to stay on top of this list like the plague. Check the website often for updates and be sure to contact support show hosts whenever anything goes wrong with the email.