Can I Rent Email Lists?
Have you ever wondered how to rent email lists cheaply? With the cost of email marketing seeming to grow on a daily basis, it makes sense to try to rent a list for your own marketing campaign. The idea is not unlike what many small businesses have been doing for years: rent email lists to attract new customers, keep current customers informed of promotions and specials, and send mail shots to remind clients of things like free shipping or other special offers. But did you ever stop to consider the costs of this sort of strategy?
First, and most importantly, there is the cost of renting the lists itself. List owners do not pay for lists themselves; they pay you a fee per list. Depending on how much you are able to rent email lists, the cost could be in the hundreds of dollars. So, even if you contact an email marketing guru or sign up with an list owner directly, here are a few questions to ask to save you money when you rent email lists:
Do you require ROI? A good email list broker will explain to you how you will need to track each customer's results. In some cases, you only need to know the customer's IP address, while in others you will need to know more detailed information, such as the name and email address of every subscriber on a certain list. Calculate how many subscribers are necessary for your particular tactic and determine whether or not you will need to pay an additional amount to rent email lists that are already paid for. While some sellers will make allowances, generally speaking it is best to avoid paying an arm and a leg to rent email lists unless you are absolutely guaranteed your tactics will pay off.
Will I lose subscribers if I use rented can-spam emails? Can-spam restrictions may appear at the bottom of an email sent from a seller that you have signed up for, but you may not be aware of this until you check the email later. There is usually a place where you can locate more information about the particular email, including who it was intended for and whether it can be considered spam. If you notice any can-spam words that sound suspicious, you may wish to opt out of further email communications and inform the email seller of this decision. You may also wish to send a separate email to each of your existing email addresses to notify them that you will now only be sending emails from can-spam lists that are approved by you or a strict list of trusted subscribers.
How will I know what my subscribers think? Email lists are one of the best methods of marketing your business because everyone you send marketing emails to will receive them. By carefully choosing which can-spam words you use and by carefully screening recipients, you can ensure that only you and people you trust are receiving your emails, ensuring that no one else ever reads them.
How much does renting work? Renting doesn't cost much, but the fees may be based on the number of people you want to sign up for a rented list. It generally costs less than purchasing. When you rent, you pay the fee for the space for a fixed number of months. In some cases, these fees may be annual, monthly, or a combination of annual and monthly.
Do I need to protect myself? Rental emails lists are just one method of promoting your business that you don't need to worry about your sender reputation being affected in any way. With marketing emails, you can email anyone you want and they can email you back. This means that you never actually need to even see the email. Marketing emails often contain threats or scams, so it's important that you take precautions to protect yourself and your business before you start renting or buying email lists.
Can I rent or buy emails to market online? You can rent or buy email services from many different places online. Some of these include: webmaster forums, internet marketers' websites, and other rental companies. Purchasing lists from webmaster forums can be helpful because you can get lists that have been well-received by other online marketers. Buying lists from other sources such as a rental company might help if you want to build a large list and test how effective your promotions are.